Tag Archive: statistics

What’s “Brewing” in Real Estate? – August 2020 edition

, Does it feel to you like we are almost back to “normal” in some ways?  It seems that more people are back on the roads at rush hour, so hopefully that’s a good thing.  But I keep reading about the major stores that are seeking bankruptcy protection and so ...

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What’s “Brewing” in Real Estate – July 2020 Edition

, Welcome to a real summer in southwest Ontario!  It’s been hot hot hot and we’ve got a few more days of it in sight. Much like the weather, it’s been another wacky and unpredictable month in real estate.  We have seen some pockets of crazy activity with loads of ...

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What’s “Brewing” in Real Estate – early June 2020

If you’re like most homeowners, you’ve probably found these past few weeks challenging to say the least. Although the experts say we are making progress, we’re still trying to find our footing on an uncertain road. We’re figuring out how to live and work in new ways. In fact, when ...

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What’s “Brewing” in Real Estate – May 2020 CoVid Edition

Well.  It’s been quite a time, hasn’t it? How are you doing? And how are your family and friends?  Is everyone healthy?  Staying sane? Has your job been affected?  How are you spending your days? My thoughts have been with all of you, as we all cope with so much ...

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